Friday, October 31, 2008

Well I voted today.

That sticker is just as good as me saying screw you Obama.

I now have the right to be pissed at anything that happens should he be elected.

I almost wasn't able to vote though. When I went to vote one of the election officials was in my parents ward and knew that I didn't live in Kaysville where I'm registered, and wasn't going to let me vote. I understand that there are rules to be followed and what not so I asked what I needed to do and she said I had to go to salt lake county with something showing my current address. Well the only problem is that I don't have anything with that address. Everything is still mailed to my parents house. Finally another person there asked if I was a student and I am so I was able to vote. Kind of crappy but oh well.

So screw you Obama! Your socialist propaganda won't work on me.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What the crap is going on in this country!

I've never really been
too much of a doom and gloom naysayer, but in these most recent times its almost
hard not to.

The first problem is proposition 8 in California. It
absolutely makes me sick to see how many members of the church are saying that
the church is wrong. Since when does the church work that way. Since when does
god work that way. It seems to me from the book of Mormon that when people start
doing this kind of thing they are only a few steps away from going over and
killing the Lamanite king and putting themselves into power to try and fix what
was wrong. God has called his prophet, and if you don't support him you can walk
away. It is as simple as that.

Barack Obama scares me. I don't think I
can say that any clearer. His views are totally opposite what is best for this
country. He can speak well, but so did all of the anti-Christs in the Book of
Mormon. I'm not asserting that he is an anti-Christ, but I'm also not saying
that he isn't. One can't help but wonder about the promise god has made on this
country. If the more part of the people are righteous we will be safe. It really
looks to me that, the righteous majority might be rapidly slipping away.

I specifically need to vote. I have a very bad voting record, but this
is just to important to let slide. I need to be able to say after this election
that I DID NOT vote for Barack Obama. I still want to enjoy my freedoms.

A very scary story was emailed to me and I'm going to paste it here.

A chemistry professor in a large college had some exchange students
in the
class. One day while the class was in the lab the Professor noticed
one young
man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back and stretching as
if his back
hurt. The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The
student told
him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while
communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his
government and install a new communist government. In the midst of
his story he
looked at the professor and asked a strange question.
asked, 'Do you know
how to catch wild pigs?' The professor thought it was a
and asked for
the punch line. The young man said this was no joke.
catch wild pigs by
finding a suitable place in the woods and
putting corn on the
The pigs find it and begin to come every day
to eat the free corn..
they are used to coming every day, you put a
fence down one side of the
place where they are used to coming.
they get used to the fence,
begin to eat the corn again and you put
up another side of the fence.
They get
used to that and start to eat
again. You continue until you have
all four sides
of the fence up with a
gate in the last side.
The pigs,
who are used to the free corn, start to
come through the gate to eat, you slam
the gate on them and catch the whole
herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost
their freedom. They run around and
around inside the fence, but they are caught.
Soon they go back to eating
the free corn. They are so used to it that they
have forgotten how to forage
in the woods for themselves, so they accept
their captivity. The young man
then told the professor that is exactly
what he sees happening to America .
The government keeps pushing us toward
socialism and keeps spreading the
free corn out in the form of programs such
supplemental income, tax
credit for unearned income, tobacco subsidies,
subsidies, payments
not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine,
drugs, etc..
While we
continually lose our freedoms - just a little at a
time. One should
always remember: There is no such thing as a free lunch! A
never provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it
yourself. If you
see that all of this wonderful government 'help' is a
problem confronting the
future of democracy in America , you might want
send this on to your friends.
If you think the free ride is essential
your way of life then you will probably delete this email, but God help
you when
the gate slams shut! In this 'very important' election year, listen
closely to
what the candidates are promising you !! Just maybe you will be
able to tell who
is about to slam the gate on America 'A government big
enough to give you
everything you want, is big enough to take away
everything you have.' –
Thomas Jefferson

Compared to our founding fathers we already have all of the fences up, and we
are just waiting for the gate to shut.

On a lighter note. Guess who got the highest score in the class on his most
recent math test? I'll just let you decide who. ;)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ah the joys of teachers that don't teach.

You would really think that I would have learned my lesson the first time I took a class from my teacher. He couldn't really answer questions in the first class I had him, and surprisingly enough he has a hard time now as well.

Luckily for me, my brother is a genius and can actually explain things. He has helped me through both of the classes I have had with this teacher.

Enough complaining about my teacher. This class isn't too hard so it hasn't been too big of a deal. I just had to stay up really late last night because he never explained something, and now I'm cranky from lack of sleep.

I don't understand how, but the minute I got married I lost the ability to stay up as late as I wanted with little or no consequences. I don't think I'm alone in this though. I hear its a common problem with people that get married. I really just wish I could wake up in the mornings now that would be great.

On to awesome news. That is my TV. It is just beautiful. Watching Iron Man on it is absolutely amazing. Am I bragging? A little yes. I have just wanted it for so long and now its mine.

Friday, October 10, 2008

It has been 2 years! Holy crap. Pretty much nothing has happened, well except my brother going on his mission, oh and I went to Moab like 3 times, oh and I started dating someone, oh and I married that person. Other than those things its pretty much the same as always.

My wife is just plain awesome, I love her very much.

My brother is in Texas speaking the Spanish, it makes me think that Tyler will also speak Spanish as well. That would be cool.

I absolutely love the Moab. I have a blast every time I'm there.

I am finally taking classes full time. This is the first time in probably 2 years that I have taken classes full time. I'm actually taking classes that relate to my major other than just math. They are awesome.

Statics deals with the way forces act on rigid bodies. Recently in class we have been converting systems of forces into moments and consolidating all of the forces into a force and a moment. It is crazy.

Materials science is really cool. We are learning about crystal structures of metals, and how they affect the mechanical properties of the metal. Also about what defects in the crystal structure do to it. Adding defects can increase strength sounds strange but true. Groups of crystals form grains and the smaller the grain the stronger the material is. So cool.

Calculus 3 Is basically Calculus 1 (so far) but with a lot more variables. I don't think we have done anything with more than 3 variables so far, unless you count composite function then we have dealt with 6. Lots of variables.

Engineering computing = programming, with MATLAB and C++. Right now we are in MATLAB but we will be doing C++ soon. This is an ok class, but kind of boring.