Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ah the joys of teachers that don't teach.

You would really think that I would have learned my lesson the first time I took a class from my teacher. He couldn't really answer questions in the first class I had him, and surprisingly enough he has a hard time now as well.

Luckily for me, my brother is a genius and can actually explain things. He has helped me through both of the classes I have had with this teacher.

Enough complaining about my teacher. This class isn't too hard so it hasn't been too big of a deal. I just had to stay up really late last night because he never explained something, and now I'm cranky from lack of sleep.

I don't understand how, but the minute I got married I lost the ability to stay up as late as I wanted with little or no consequences. I don't think I'm alone in this though. I hear its a common problem with people that get married. I really just wish I could wake up in the mornings now that would be great.

On to awesome news. That is my TV. It is just beautiful. Watching Iron Man on it is absolutely amazing. Am I bragging? A little yes. I have just wanted it for so long and now its mine.

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