Friday, October 31, 2008

Well I voted today.

That sticker is just as good as me saying screw you Obama.

I now have the right to be pissed at anything that happens should he be elected.

I almost wasn't able to vote though. When I went to vote one of the election officials was in my parents ward and knew that I didn't live in Kaysville where I'm registered, and wasn't going to let me vote. I understand that there are rules to be followed and what not so I asked what I needed to do and she said I had to go to salt lake county with something showing my current address. Well the only problem is that I don't have anything with that address. Everything is still mailed to my parents house. Finally another person there asked if I was a student and I am so I was able to vote. Kind of crappy but oh well.

So screw you Obama! Your socialist propaganda won't work on me.

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