Monday, July 10, 2006

The life and times of an insurance salesman.

Well I don't think I have the most boring job in the world but it is up there. Now when I say insurance salesman that is kind of a stretch... I am really a secretary with a license to sell insurance. When you call your insurance agent you want to talk with your agent not the "guy" that answers the phone. As a result I sit in the front of the office staring at a computer screen for about nine hours a day.

A typical day goes like this:

8:33 I get to the office I am never quite on time.

8:45 I have turned everything on and now I do my paper work for the day. This entails getting a small stack of papers from my desk and making sure that all of those changes have been made to peoples policies. Then I file those papers in a box. The second part of my work I don't do every day, that is putting away files of customers. I usually do that every other day.

9:15 My paper work is done for the day. Now I check my bank accounts and make sure I have enough money to pay all my bills.

9:30 This is where the day gets good, I make my daily check of f1 to see what is going on today in the racing world of Formula One. The greatest racing league in the world! During the World Cup I would check soccer scores and who is playing who that day.

9:45 My daily routine is now over and I still have eight hours left in the day. At this point I usually go to Launchcast on Yahoo and watch music videos. If I am tired I will lean back and try to sleep a little. If I get motivated I will do some homework. When I get really bored I check the news.

From then until 5:30 I intermittently answer the phone (usually for my boss) and take payments from customers. From the day I started working here my boss told me that this is a hurry up and wait job, that means that I will do nothing at all for 30 min and then be swamped for 15. I have no idea how it happens but it is true.

Now don't get me wrong I like my job it is easy, my boss is cool, and the pay is great for how little I do. But it is booorrriiiinnnggg.

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